#38 - Peter Piekarczyk - Going From Solopreneur to Startup Co-Founder

Peter talks about his entrepreneurial journey leading up to now being the co-founder and CTO of Draftbit, a platform that helps teams build React Native and Expo apps visually. He talks about the benefits of working with and building a team as opposed to being a solopreneur and the mindset shift he went through when switching. Peter also talks about the challenges he has encountered co-founding a company, including how to handle disputes between teammates, how to make the most of Y Combinator, and more.
Peter (PieCarChick) Piekarczyk is the co-founder and CTO of Draftbit, a platform that helps teams build React Native and Expo apps visually. He's been an entrepreneur his whole life but still has trouble spelling the word. Peter's built and maintained projects for React Native, React Navigation, Apollo GraphQL and now ReasonML. He strongly believes in self-reflection and meditation.

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