Displaying 31 - 46 of 46 in total
#16 - Daniel Vassallo - Why I Left a $500k/year Job at AWS to Work For Myself
Daniel talks about what went into his decision to quit his very well-paid position as an engineer at AWS to be independent. He walks us through his journey getting one...
#15 - Joel Hooks - The Benefits of Building a Calm Company
Joel takes us through his experience building egghead.io, one the world's best-known resources for high-quality programming tutorials. Egghead has a unique approach to...
#14 - Kitze - Github Stars Won't Pay Your Rent
Kitze has a ton of experience building successful products for the web. He has also built awesome open source software and has seen, first-hand, how it can be unsustai...
#13 - Sean Grove - What It's Like to Go Through Y Combinator, Twice
Sean talks about his experience going through Y Combinator, one of the best known early-stage startup accelerators in the world. He gives us the inside scoop about all...
#12 - Jason Resnick - How to Network and Stand Out by Serving
Jason talks about his approach to networking and why it's crucial to serve without expecting anything in return. He goes into detail about how he was able to build aut...
#11 - Chris Ferdinandi - Building an Audience by Being Consistent
Chris goes into detail on how he teaches people to be better JavaScript developers by focusing on vanilla JS and core concepts. He talks about his approach to building...
#10 - Nader Dabit - How to Be a Prosperous Software Consultant
Nader talks about his journey as an independent software consultant and how he was able to attract some of the biggest names in the tech industry as clients. He goes i...
#9 - Jeff Cross - Leaving Google and The Secrets of Enterprise Sales
Jeff talks about how and why he went from working for one of the most prestigious tech companies in the world to starting his own consultancy, Nrwl (Narwhal). He goes ...
#8 - Chris Sevilleja - How to Build Traffic and Generate Revenue for Your Blog
Chris talks about his journey building Scotch.io, one of the most popular developer content sites on the internet. He goes into detail about how to generate traffic, h...
#7 - Justin Jackson - The Ups and Downs of Building a SaaS
Justin talks about his journey creating Transistor.fm, a podcast hosting and analytics platform (and the platform used by this podcast). He goes into detail on some of...
#6 - Eric Elliott - Effective and Impactful Content Marketing
Eric talks about his career as a software developer and how he transitioned away from full-time work to working for himself. He discusses his approach to content marke...
#5 - Jesse Sanders - Building and Scaling a Consultancy
Jesse talks about his journey starting and scaling his consultancy, BrieBug Software. He covers why it's valuable to focus on specific technologies and goes into detai...
#4 - Jeff Whelpley - How to Experiment with Startups
Jeff talks about his approach to experimenting with new startups within his existing company, GetHuman. Jeff's experimentation method means he and his team can move qu...
#3 - Tracy Lee - From Startup Exit to Building a Top-Tier Consultancy
Tracy Lee talks about her entrepreneurial pursuits in the tech industry starting with Dishcrawl, a startup she founded and later sold. Her newest venture is a top-tier...
#2 - Brad Hussey - How to Get Freelancing Freedom
Brad Hussey talks about his journey going from dead-end job to getting freedom over his income and time by getting into web development. He talks about how he creates ...
#1 - Adam Wathan - Creating and Launching Courses for Developers
Adam Wathan talks about his journey as a self-published course author. He goes into detail about the process he follows for creating new courses, including how to pick...